Puasa dan struggle nya

   Hari kedua puasa. Puasa qada, puasa sunat, ia adalah puasa. Menahan diri dari lapar dan dahaga, juga perkara yang membatalkan puasa dari subuh hingga ke maghrib. Ringkasnya bahasa orang awam, begitu. Along the way, sepanjang hari, dengan pelbagai dugaan. Contohnya, buka instagram, gambar makanan, haih... Sungguh susah mendidik supaya jiwa menjadi kentah, sigh again.

   So how to divert your brain from craving foods. Yup, craving is the right word. It is not about you, feeling hungry, but, please tame your lust. Lust for food. Once you eat it, you will regret, to break fasting only for this food? Gasping. So, it is about your lust, craving for food. Nutrition fact, it will lead to deficiency of several nutrients such as, magnesium. Magnesium supplementation will solve your sugar craving, cakes or even rice. So, please dear me, always bring your Mag-a-hol roll, your Super Mag-a-hol roll on. But doing this regime is not tiring and boring. Just let it be, fight and be patient.

   Kenapa tiba-tiba cakap omputih. Hahahahah. So, apa strateginya. Kita ada masa dari subuh hingga maghrib. Mungkin dari 547am hingga 701pm. It takes about 13 hours 14 minutes. Compared to intermittent fasting IMF which is 16 hours fasting (again why English writing). So, puasa biasa bagi Muslim lebih pendek durasinya. tetapi sebagai Muslim, kita percaya ia untuk Allah, moga diganjarkan pahala sebagai bekalan ke sana, Amin. Let us manage this 13 hours wisely.

   The critical hour, the peak hour, I reckon many also feel the same, is in the afternoon, during lunch. Hmmm... So you must be wiser, be more rational at this hour. Bring everything in your arsenal if needed. For me, essential oil is always a good solution to keep your mind focus, and continue fasting. Petitgrain bigarade is my best friend to keep ground. May the not so nice smelly petitgrain keep me fasting until dusk. Good luck dear me.



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